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This is my sound blog about sound design, sound art and recording sounds and also about the sound product KELOSOUND® that I have created! Welcome to hear my adventure with and through sound!
Saturday, 24 September 2016
See you at the City Water Building, 1101 Monroe NW, I will be showing my installatuin the whole day until 8pm. Welcome! #artprize2016 #artprize #artprizeeight #GrandRapids #CityWaterBuilding #RichardAppGallery #RichardApp #KirsiIhalainen #finnforestfreq #finnishforestfreq #soundart #art #sound #Michigan #Monroe #Soundventures
Thank you for this photo that was sent to my email today while I was away from the installation! You people are lovely and wonderful! Thank you for hugging my wood! #finnforestfreq #artprize #artprize2016 #artprizeeight #hugging #releases #stress #sound #relaxes #art #soundart #finnishforestfreq #KirsiIhalainen #64379 #Soundventures
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Thank you Frey Foundation for the Seed Grant so that I could attend the ArtPrize! The view at the celebration of the grantees event today was nice over the city. #ArtPrize2016 #ArtPrize #artprizeeight #freyfoundation #seedgrant #sound #soundart #finnishforestfreq #KirsiIhalainen #Soundventures
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