Thursday, 29 September 2016

Listening to the sounds of Finnish forest with Kim! #artprize8 #artprize #artprize2016 #soundartist #KirsiIhalainen #radiohost #KimCarson #Radio #WLAV #GrandRapids #CityWaterBuilding #finnforestfreq #finnishforestfreq #Soundventures #hugg #wood #feel #better

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Find me at the #CityWaterBuilding and listen to my #sounds by pressing your ear against me! #coloryourpath #artprize8 #artprize2016 #artprize #finnforestfreq #finnishforestfreq #soundartist #KirsiIhalainen #soundart #sound #art #Kelosound #Soundventures

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Art from #artprize8 that I have spotted now here in #GrandRapids Have so much to see still! Wish you were here to see it with me! #soundartist #KirsiIhalainen #artprize2016 #artprize #arthunting #art #Michigan #finnforestfreq #finnishforestfreq #Soundventures

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This is local "Kelo" wood (but it is alive not dead) called #sycamore from #GrandRapids. It drops the bark even that it is alive. #beautiful #wood #kelo ##deadwood #Michigan #KirsiIhalainen #finnforestfreq #finnishforestfreq #artprize8 #artprize #artprize2016 #sound #art #soundartist #Soundventures

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I did not know who he is and he did not know who I am, but that is perfect and we met the first time ever yesterday! #soundartist #KirsiIhalainen #visualartist #MarkMotherbaugh #artprize8 #artprize #artprize2016 #finnforestfreq #finnishforestfreq #Myopia #Devo #Soundventures

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We were being funny last night and took pictures of me being the #ArtPrize jury. Maybe in the future some day :) #artprize8 #artprize2016 #hub #jury #soundartist #KirsiIhalainen #finnforestfreq #finnishforestfreq #CityWaterBuilding #fun #Soundventures

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